While we listened to the waves crashing in on the beach.


There are many versions to a story. And sometimes, we spin different stories to hide one thing or another. But sometimes, it's because we saw different things. She saw a beautiful girl standing with the wind in her hair. And I saw a nightmare dressed like a daydream.

I wasn't supposed to be here. I had plans for the long weekend but things happen and plans change. I called Chepah to ask if she wanted to go on an adventure with me.

"We're on a mission," she said.

And less than 24 hours later, we drove onto the parking lot.

With no bell boy and the receptionist taking hours, I looked around and wondered what fate would have in store for us. Please, let it be a good one. When we finally got our room key, we ran through the doors and I did a quick change. We were on a mission to chase the sunset for these gorgeous shots. Because we're only here for one night and FINALLY I get to witness sunset in Port Dickson because the past few times I was here, it rained.

Walking around the resort, the beach and the poolside with ice-cream in hand, we realised that people in general do not notice their surroundings. Yes, we were people-watching. I had so much fun.

And there we were. Just two of us, taking on the world, an adventure at a time. Just cherish the moment; Of me and you.

I couldn't have asked for more.


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